

Hackathons are programming marathons where students build services, gadgets, and apps to win prizes, and ultimately, recognition. Hackathons are a paradigm shift in technology education, and they have taken the world by storm. They encourage learning and innovation through collaboration and have produced some of the most capable thinkers and innovators of the next generation. ACM and TUDev will be throwing a 12hr hackathon titled "OwlHacks" on March 30th. Our hackathon will attract some of the top undergraduate developers, engineers, and designers in the Philadelphia area. This makes OwlHacks a great recruiting and marketing opportunity. We’re inviting companies to present their products and services for students to explore and leverage in their applications, and we would like you to be one of them.

That's Where You Come In

We want you to be a part of the OwlHacks family, and we think that sponsoring OwlHacks has some clear advantages:

How You Can Help

OwlHacks is going to be a huge undertaking, and we need all the support that we can get. There are many ways to support our cause, the most effective of which are listed below:

Help us make OwlHacks an incredible experience for learning and invention. Our sponsorship packages, listed on the next page, outline our monetary contribution model. The higher your contribution, the more access you get to the student developers at OwlHacks. We are always looking for new and exciting things for our event. Don’t hesitate to contact us with any sponsorship ideas or suggestions you may have. Please contact us at [email protected] if you have any questions or wish to schedule a phone call with an OwlHacks organizer.

So you want to be a sponsor?

Shoot us an email at [email protected]!